Gujarat State Co-operative Union (GSCU) Relief Road Ahmedabad-380001 Gujarat &
Sikkim State Cooperative Union (Sikun) Assam Lingzey, East Sikkim, Gangtok – 737135
The Sikkim State Cooperative Union was registered in 2002 under the Sikkim Cooperative Societies Act, of 1978. It is an apex cooperative federation set up exclusively for providing orientation training and education on Cooperatives on regular basis. It was set up to develop human resources in the Cooperative sector and establish the required professionalism in the management of the Cooperative Institutions.
SIKUN is managed by a Board of Directors elected from primary cooperative societies, Chairman/Chairpersons of apex cooperative institutions, and Government representatives from the Finance, Planning Information, and Public Relations Departments. The Primary cooperative societies including apex societies as members of the SIKUN.
The Gujarat State Co-operative Union has signed an MoU with Sikkim State Cooperative Union (SIKUN) to jointly identify fields of mutual interest and create opportunities to develop programs for training & education in cooperation and other knowledge-based activities covering areas such as exchange information, materials, publications, expertise, resource person(s), construct case study, undertake research, Study Visit and other related matters on subject of common interest.
With the initiative of our Chairman Shri G. H. Amin the MoU between GSCU & SIKUN was signed first time on 4 th May 2017 for the duration of 3 years and again it was signed and decided to continue the agreement for the next five years i.e. 3rd May, 2025.